Reference example post-merger: A fusion of two banks

With the Malik Syntegration® method the goal of the post-merger integration process of two banks was to be designed successfully and the gap of the very unequal historical developments, company cultures and business models was to be bridged. Thanks to the Syntegration method, all of the participants contributed all of their knowledge into the process of forming the “new” private bank.

Altogether 17 dead-on measures were developed which led to six measure-clusters ready to be implemented in the whole organization. The danger of relationship managers and customers migrating was immediately averted by the Syntegration. A maximum integration effect was created on the cultural level in the 2.5 days of Syntegration.

The process brought the two groups of employees of the “old” companies tightly together and helped to interconnect them sustainably for their new tasks. Applying the Malik cyber tools simultaneously during the Syntegration helped gain far-reaching additional insights and to identify areas of action.

This result was primarily achieved based on our core method, the Malik Syntegration®. We have solved similar challenges for several business segments such as retail, information technology, services, production, energy, finance, etc.