Management Solutions for the 21st Century

Malik Bionic Presentation “Living Knowledge”

Second international bionics congress for the top level management, March 2007, Interlaken/Switzerland

Today’s organizations are highly complex hybrids of man and technology, the results of human thought and action. For the management of these or­gani­za­tions, the biological sciences provide more substantial gui­dance than the eco­nomic sciences. Consequently, the scientific basis for the Malik ManagementSystems® are the three complexity sciences systems theory, cybernetics and bionics.

Prof. Malik understand systems theory as the science of wholes; cybernetics as the science of functioning; and bionics, as we are applying it, enables managers to transfer solutions from nature to their organizations in order to optimize their performance.
As a result, Malik’s management theory is entirely different from conventional approaches. It creates clarity where today confusion of concepts, inconsistencies, arbitrariness and fashions dominate. In particular, we have been going beyond business administration for a long time which has led to fundamental management innovations and has paved the way for completely new solutions for numerous management problems.