Malik Syntegration®-Methodology

The Syntegration® process is the most efficient and rapid solution method for complex challenges

Malik Approach

Prof. Malik understands right management as an “operating system” capable of evolving for organizations of every size and type.

Malik Solutions

Our method set is applicable in all business and societal segements and for all complex management challenges.

Prof. Dr. Fredmund Malik

About us

Malik is the world’s leading company for holistic general management, leadership and gover­nance solutions.

Malik Online Courses

Leadership in Management – Management for Leadership

Malik Effective Managing and Performing® (EMP®)

For those who are interested in effective management and professional leading of employees, Malik Academy offers the Effectiveness ® Training. A flexible learning programme with end-to-end online support of the Malik experts.

Malik Management Praxis Online® (MPO®)

Management Praxis Online® enables you to familiarize with the principles and tools, that allow organisations to function optimally – flexible and with tutoring of the Malik experts.

Managing Performing Living

One of the most important management books in the world –
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