Life Achievement Award 2018

On April 13, 2018, managerSeminare awarded Prof. Dr. Fredmund Malik with the Life Achievement Award 2018 in Bonn, Germany. The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented for the twelfth time by a panel of leading representatives of the continuing education industry. Around 420 trainers and personnel developers followed the award ceremony for the economist at the Petersberg Trainer Days industry event in Bonn. Walter Krieg, co-founder of the St. Gallen management model, gave the laudatory speech.

“Fredmund Malik combines scientific foundation with practical application and applicability. His approach is based on enabling an organization to function properly and well according to its purpose and to use complexity rather than simply reducing it,” Malik’s long-time companion praised the 73-year-old’s achievements.

“Malik’s work stands for the teachable and learnable standard of professional management and at the same time for a holistic view. He recognized early on that business administration alone was not enough for the management and leadership of organizations,” emphasized committee member Nicole Bussmann.

Fredmund Malik was deeply moved by the award and the standing ovations at the award ceremony: “I am moved and touched. I am encouraged to continue. The Life Achievement Award is only a midlife award for me,” the Austrian promised with a wink in his acceptance speech.

The Life Achievement Award (LAA) honors the life’s work of a trainer, coach, speaker, author, scientist or educational organization and is considered one of the highest awards in the continuing education industry. The nomination of the award winner is the responsibility of the LAA committee. The prize is awarded annually during the Petersberg Trainer Days. The previous LAA prize winners are: Nikolaus B. Enkelmann, Prof. Dr. Lothar Seiwert, Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schulz von Thun, Prof. h.c. Wolfgang Mewes, Dr. Gunther Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Geert Hofstede, Tony Buzan, Dr. Bernd Schmid, Robert Dilts, Prof. Manfred Kets de Vries and Friedrich Glasl.



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