Global Peter F. Drucker Forum 2018
Just how much Peter F. Drucker put his stamp on and influenced management can best be seen in the high level body of management thinkers who appear every year in his honor at the Global Peter Drucker Forum. Since its premiere in November 2009, the event transforms the Austrian capital once a year into a genuine management Mecca.
This year’s forum will take place under the motto “management. the human dimension” in Vienna from November 29-30, 2018.
As a member of the Advisory Board of the European Peter F. Drucker Society, Prof. Dr. Fredmund Malik will be present when top managers and management pioneers discuss the quest to transform the practice of management and how today’s companies are expected to handle the digital tsunami and the societal changes related to it.
Malik has participated as panelist at the conference a lot of times. With its renowned speakers this forum provides the unique opportunity for getting to know intelligent solutions for the mastering of this historically extraordinary situation.
Restrospectives: 2016 ¦ 2015 ¦ 2014 ¦ 2013 ¦ 2012 ¦ 2011 ¦ 2010 ¦ 2009
Fredmund Malik & Peter Drucker
Peter F. Drucker was by far the most important management thinker of the twentieth century. He was the first to recognize the importance of management as a function for society and to make management learnable and teachable. Professor Fredmund Malik and Peter Drucker had a close relationship for many years. They met regularly to discuss current developments in management. What interested Peter Drucker most was the development of Malik’s holistic system. Peter Drucker died a few days ahead of his 96th birthday on November 11, 2005.
Malik interviews on the occasion of the Peter Drucker Forum 2009:
Interview Series with Emerald*
Interview Series 1 (German):
* Emerald is a british publisher spezializing in reasearch and science publications
Fredmund Malik & Peter Drucker

“Peter Drucker was the first to recognize, comprehend and solve the key problems of management, namely the dynamic interplay between continuity and change, conservation and innovation, community and society, great ideas and human endeavour. He created social ecology – as both theory and practice.” Fredmund Malik
“Fredmund Malik has become the leading analyst of, and expert on, Management in Europe as it has emerged in the last thirty years – and a powerful force in shaping it as a consultant. He is a commanding figure – in theory as well as in the practice of Management.” Peter Drucker