Prof. Heinsohn hat mir, bevor ich meine Reise nach China antrat, seine Auffassung zu diesem immer bedeutender werdenden Land geschickt. Im neuesten Reformprogramm der chinesischen Regierung gibt es starke Tendenzen, in Richtung der von Prof. Heinsohn gemachten Vorschläge zu gehen:
Auszug aus Heinsohn/Steiger: „Ownership economics: On the Foundations of Interest, Money, Markets, Business Cycles and Economic Development„, 11/2011:
The People’s Republic of China followed the despised 1953 reforms of the defeated Chiang Kai-shek, at least in selected territories, but only after 1990. Shanghai with a population of 15 million became the richest city on the mainland because it increased, very similar to Slovenia, between 1992 and 2002 the proportion of real estate held with ownership titles, including houses and apartments, from 0 to 90% (McGregor 2002, 13). This required the establishment of a new registration system for hypothecated property. But only in August 2002 was legislation passed for the whole of China, which set in motion the same revolution towards money-creating property in the rural districts. On 8 November 2001, the then President Jiang Zemin invited “industrialists, entrepreneurs, employees of foreign companies and self-employed individuals” to join the communist party. The ultimate goal of communism was no longer mentioned. Instead he requested a withdrawal from the old maxim “the more property the less developed”.
Under communism – similar to feudalism – peasants were tied to the soil without the right to change their place of residence. On 5 January 2003 these peasants obtained the constitutional guarantee to be allowed to work anywhere. Only now did they become the owners of themselves (Hutzler and Lawrence 2003, 2) and could enter into employment contracts in order to obtain money without loan security and interest obligations. In turn, their wage labour generated the interest proceeds firms owed the banks for the credit provision of wage money. However, many of the 145 million migrant workers – equalling America’s total labour force – who, by October 2011, exercise the right to enter work contracts all over China are still somewhat dependant on the hukou system that forces them to return home if they want to collect social benefits and take advantage of publicly funded education for their offspring. Thus, the right of choosing ones residence is not yet fully liberated from feudal shackles.
At the National People’s Congress on 5-14 March 2004 the right of Chinese citizens to property was lifted to a constitutional right. Finally, on October 1, 2007, the ‘Property Law of the People’s Republic of China’ went into effect. It not only regulates the transfer and ownership of property but also the creation of the rights of ownership. More than six centuries after the first establishment of property rights and the abolishing of serfdom in England in the wake of the Lollard revolt (1381), the country with the world’s largest population followed a development model that had transformed one of the most backward territories in Europe into the leading Empire of the World in the 19th and early 20th century.
PISA-Studien 2009 und 2012:
Wenn man sich die PISA-Tabelle 2009 (unten – zum Vergrössern anklicken) und 2012 (hier) anschaut, dann muss man selbst bei zu positiver Selektion für Shanghai sagen, dass Amerika sich sehr warm anziehen muss mit 50% aller Babys bei Leuten, die als 17-Jährige das Niveau 13-jähriger Whites und 12-jähriger Asians haben. Gunnar Heinsohn, 06.12.2013