Third Cwarel Isaf Conference on Management Cybernetics
Solution to the Crisis: Malik Syntegration®
Theme of the Cwarel Isaf Conference on Management Cybernetics 2009 was a better understanding of the mechanics of the crisis with the aid of enormous advancements of modern cybernetics. At the 2011 conference the newest system-cybernetic solutions of the Malik Syntegration-methods were presented.
Worldwide leading Cyberneticians from 16 nations discussed our groundbreaking advancements and achievements for handling global change and its crisis from March, 31 to April, 1 2011 at the Third Cwarel Isaf Conference on Management Cybernetics 2011 in St. Gallen. In the center stood the resoundingly effective and ultra-fast process of the Malik Syntegration® as the optimal solution especially for the most complex challenges of the highest management levels. By presenting the imcomparable success stories of several Malik Syntegrations®, Malik-Experts and Prof. Fredmund Malik himself demonstrated the resounding innovative impact of the method and revealed: The solution to the crisis has been found.
Tested and perfected: The Malik Syntegration has been applied more than 500 times worldwide – successful without exception. It is the simultaneous application of three system-cybernetic macro-modules: The Malik Systems, the syntegrative core process and a special set of cyber tools. One of the high points of the Conference was the passing of a declaration about the worldwide deployment of the Malik Syntegration method for the global Great Transformation 21.
The sensational, with usual approaches unimaginable results of the Malik Syntegration will be accessible to all organizsations. To do this, the participants of the Conference decided on conjoint initiatives to inform top-deciders all around the world of the enormous resolving power of the Malik Supersyntegration.
Organized by Malik, the Conference provides an international plattform for the newest practical applications of cybernetic high-performance methods.