Registration – Malik Letter

Since 1993, Prof. Malik’s Malik Letter (formerly “m.o.m.®-Letter”) has brought the latest news on the economic situation and core management issues to the point – critically against management fads and for the right solutions. Every week, the decisive knowledge for insight and functioning in a complex society.

Below you will find some useful information about the individual subscription:

  • The cost of the Malik Letter annual subscription with a personal access to the Malik Online Platform is EUR 296.00 or CHF 296.00.
  • The price includes VAT and is payable annually in advance, with a payment deadline of 30 days.
  • On the Malik Online Platform you will also find an online archive with all previously published Malik Letters in PDF format.
  • Prof Malik began writing his Letter back in 1993. It was initially published once a month. Since fall 2019, the Malik Letter has been published weekly on Fridays, but in a shorter form.
  • Subscriptions can be cancelled in writing (by email or post) with two months’ notice to the end of the subscription period.

To subscribe to the Malik Letter, please complete the form below.

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I agree to pay the above amount annually in advance. The payment period is 30 days. The subscription can be canceled in writing by e-mail or post with a notice period of two months to the end of the subscription period.